Peach Cobbler Cheesecake

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Indulge in the divine combination of Peach Cobbler Cheesecake, where creamy cheesecake meets the fruity sweetness of peaches and the comforting crunch of a cobbler topping. This dessert is a delightful twist on traditional cheesecake, perfect for those who crave a harmonious blend of flavors.

Why Make This Recipe

If you are a fan of both peach cobbler and cheesecake, this recipe is a must-try. It offers the best of both worlds in one decadent dessert, combining creamy, rich cheesecake with the warm, spiced flavors of peach cobbler in every bite.

How to Make Peach Cobbler Cheesecake


  • Cheesecake Topping
    • 16 oz cream cheese
    • 1 ½ cups sugar
    • 1 tablespoon vanilla extract
    • ¼ cup cornstarch
    • 3 large eggs
    • ½ cup whipped cream
  • Crust
    • 4 ½ cups Graham crackers
    • 2 tablespoons butter
    • 1 tablespoon iced water
    • 1 cup White cake mix
  • Peach Filling
    • 2-3 large peaches
    • 1 cup sugar
    • 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
    • ¼ teaspoon ground nutmeg
    • 1 ½ cups water
    • 1 tablespoon butter
    • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
    • 2 ½ tablespoons cornstarch


  1. Mix cream cheese until fluffy, then add eggs, sugar, vanilla, cream, and cornstarch.
  2. Process Graham crackers, butter, and water for the crust; bake and cool.
  3. Prepare the cheesecake filling and bake in a water bath.
  4. Make the cobbler topping with cake mix, butter, and Graham cracker crumbs.
  5. Cook peaches with sugar, spices, and water, then add cornstarch mixture and cool.
  6. Oil the cheesecake pan, pour in peach filling, top with cobbler, and refrigerate.

How to Serve Peach Cobbler Cheesecake

Serve chilled slices of Peach Cobbler Cheesecake, either on its own or with a dollop of whipped cream for added decadence. Pair with a cup of hot coffee or tea for a delightful dessert experience.

How to Store Peach Cobbler Cheesecake

Store any leftover Peach Cobbler Cheesecake in the refrigerator, covered securely with plastic wrap or in an airtight container. Enjoy within a few days for the best taste and texture.

Tips to Make Peach Cobbler Cheesecake

  • Ensure the cheesecake pan is well oiled to prevent sticking.
  • Bake the cheesecake in a water bath to prevent cracking.
  • Adjust the sweetness of the peach filling according to your taste preference.


Experiment with different fruit fillings such as berries or mango to create unique variations of this cheesecake cobbler.


  1. Can I use canned peaches for this recipe? Yes, drained canned peaches can be used as a convenient alternative.
  2. Can I make this recipe ahead of time? Yes, you can prepare the cheesecake in advance and add the cobbler topping just before serving.
  3. Can I skip the cobbler topping? Yes, you can enjoy the Peach Cobbler Cheesecake without the additional cobbler topping for a simpler dessert.

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